A downloadable game for Windows

Alternate title: Psycho - a tale of weaponized empathy

You are a high-functioning psychopath. The rules of social engagement prevent you from actively acting against your foes, so instead you need to trick them into wiping themselves out.


This entry is obviously very rudimentary, but the main idea is that the main character can tag enemies in order to connect to them. At the same time, you have no way of causing damage directly.

Connected enemies share both damage and healing with the player, meaning that you can trick them into death. Self-destructing enemies are made especially large to trick you into following them into their demise.

In essence, you have to prioritize targets and play a combat puzzle in order to get all enemies to kill themselves.

If this game was to be finished, it would probably become a mix of VN and spectacle/puzzle fighter - Social scenes in VN mode, followed by symbolic combat encounters with a (much) more polished version of the gameplay seen here.


Arrow left/right - Move left/right

Arrow up - Jump

Space - Empathize

Flavor text for enemies:

Troll: Trolls revel in social combat, often to the point of preferring mutually assured destruction over losing a fight. Thankfully, trolls tend to be weak in small numbers.

(Shoots at you, has about a third of your health pool)

Enabler: Enablers encourage others, often in ways that are detrimental to society. The way of the Enabler is often self-destructive.

(Heals assigned trolls, self-destructs over time after their troll dies)

Narcissist: Narcissists love attention and do their best to paint a target on their back. Unfortunately, they often self-destruct in a blaze of glory.

(Explodes on a timer, explosion animation not implemented)


StopHittingYourself.exe 32 MB

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